Consumer Data Right Policy

Policy updated May 2024

Macquarie Bank Limited (ABN 46 008 583 542, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502) (MBL) manages your Aussie Home Loans branded home loan and offset/transaction accounts.  This policy applies to MBL in its capacity as a ’data holder’ under the Consumer Data Right (CDR), and explains how your consumer data is managed, and your rights.   

If you want to know more about how we handle your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

The CDR regime

The CDR is a law that was first passed by the Federal Government in 2019 and it provides you with rights to conveniently access your data and share it with ‘accredited data recipients’.  In the banking sector, this regime is also called Open Banking.

Data that is available for sharing under the CDR

Required data

We’re required to make ‘consumer data’ available to you and accredited data recipients under the CDR regime, including the following: 

  • customer information such as your name, telephone number and address (and if you’re a business, information about your business such as your business name and ABN).
  • account details such as your account name and number, balances and fees.
  • transaction information (such as amounts paid out and amounts received).

Under the CDR regime, we’re also required to make ‘product data’ available to any persons that request it. This includes information about our products and services (such as credit card and home loan accounts) which includes data identifying or describing the characteristics of a product, such as terms and conditions, pricing, eligibility and key features.

We won’t share your ‘consumer data’ unless you authorise us to do so.  In saying this, we also have the right to disclose your information as contemplated by our Privacy Policy, the terms and conditions of your product or service, or if required by law.

Voluntary data

In addition to ‘consumer data’ and ‘product data’ that we’re required to share under the CDR regime, we may also accept requests to share voluntary ‘consumer data’ and ‘product data’, such as transaction information for accounts that have been closed for more than 24 months prior to the time of the request.

We will not charge a fee for accepting and actioning a request for sharing this voluntary data.

Accessing and sharing your consumer data

We can only share your consumer data with third parties if they’ve been accredited under the CDR regime, and you can only access it if you’re eligible to make a data sharing request under the CDR regime.

You can authorise MBL to share your consumer data with a specific ‘accredited data recipient’ that you nominate so that they can provide you with a product or service (such as a budgeting tool).

Keeping consumer data accurate and up to date

You can ask us to update or correct your consumer data by contacting us on 1300 653 039.

We’ll acknowledge your request as soon as possible.  Within 10 business days of your request, we’ll let you know in writing that we have corrected your data or provide you with reasons why we thought the correction was unnecessary or inappropriate.

As a customer of ours, you also have the right to access and correct personal information that we hold about you.  This is addressed in more detail in our Privacy Policy.

If you don’t feel like we have adequately addressed your request or have any other concerns, you can make a complaint using the process below.

How to make a complaint

If you have any concerns about how we deal with your consumer data, you can make a complaint by emailing at any time.

When you make a complaint, we ask that you to provide us with certain information including your full name, preferred contact details and a description of your complaint (eg the service or product and the nature of your concern). 

We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt (with complaints that are received on a non-business day acknowledged on the next business day).  We aim to resolve all complaints within 5 business days as addressing any concerns you have in a timely manner is important to us, however it may take up to 30 days.

If you’re not happy with our response or handling of your complaint, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).  AFCA provides independent financial services complaint resolution that is free of charge to consumers. 

AFCA may be contacted at:

We are bound by AFCA’s decisions.  If you don’t agree with AFCA’s decision, you’re not bound by it and can take the matter to court if you wish.

You can also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner if you’re not satisfied with our response or handling of your complaint.  The Commissioner acts as an impartial third party when investigating and resolving a complaint in relation to the handling of your CDR data.

The Commissioner can be contacted at:

Need help?

If you have a question about your consumer data or our CDR Policy, call us on 1300 653 039.